Authentic literaty texts as a means of forming foreign language speaking competence at English lessons

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Бердянський державний педагогічний університет
Nowadays Ukraine is witnessing the implementation of an updated strategic course in the field of education, aimed at improving the professional training of future secondary school teachers, who not only have a perfect knowledge of a foreign language, but also know how to use it as a tool in the dialogue between cultures and civilizations of the modern world. Achieving this goal involves the formation of sociocultural competence as a component of the general foreign language communicative competence of students by means of a foreign language for their preparation to intercultural communication in various spheres of life: personal, professional, educational, public. The use of authentic texts, which are an important source of information, can contribute to the formation of sociocultural competence which is one of the components of the general foreign language communicative competence of secondary school students - real professionals and users of a foreign language.
Ключові слова
language, foreign-language, text, students, authentic, formation, texts, personality, life, education, cultures, communication, national, school
Бібліографічний опис
Дуброва О. В. Authentic literaty texts as a means of forming foreign language speaking competence at English lessons / О. В. Дуброва // Мова і соціум: етнокультурний аспект : матеріали IX Міжнародної наукової інтернет конференції, (м. Бердянськ, 11 листопада 2022 р.) : зб. публікацій / гол. ред. С. Глазова. - Бердянськ : БДПУ, 2022. - С. 60-63.